Pascale Naessens

Our source of inspiration for starting the webshop is Pascale Naessens.

Pascale Naessens started her career as a model. Nowadays she is an author and ceramicist. She is the figurehead of pure and healthy food.

The starting point for her cookbooks is ‘Healthy food’, which does not mean ‘less, boring and tasteless food’ but ‘more, more varied and tastier food’. It is enjoying life in all freedom.

In order to achieve healthy food in daily life, we have introduced one rule. A rule that gives you a foothold and that makes you make healthier choices:

Basic rules:

1) Do not mix fast carbohydrates with proteins

2) Only eat natural ingredients (pure)

3) Do not be stingy with olive oil


Vision of Pascale Naessens

Recipes by Pascale Naessens