About Us

ure Virge started selling high-quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar in 2020. Our passion for the Burgundian life started early, which is not surprising since we were both born and raised in 's-Hertogenbosch.

Like many of us, we also struggled for years with the trade-off between Burgundian delicious food and drinks versus healthy food.

Pascale Naessens' cookbooks made us think and fueled our passion. It gave us insight that healthy and tasty also go very well together. Food does not have to be boring, tasteless or unhealthy. Healthy fats contribute to a healthy and slimmer body because you feel satisfied for longer. Relaxation through good food, drinks and nice conversations with family, friends or just nice people contributes to good mental health. Eating and dining together can be more central to our lives again.

We only sell high-quality products. All our products are selected for purity (not refined), taste and design (because the eye wants something too) so that they contribute optimally to the experience and a healthy life.

Mariëlle & Robin de Vaan